Nordic Heat Read online

Page 7

  “Galvin Haldor is without a doubt the most frustrating male I’ve ever met.” She announced to the ice cream carton in the sink. Yet, there were times she saw gentleness in his eyes when someone asked for his help, and damn it, she wanted to have that look directed toward her.

  “Instead, here I stand talking to an empty container and crabbing over losing a night of sleep.”

  Sleep last night was non-existent. The few minutes she managed to drift into a light doze had been filled with dreams of Galvin and she woke shaking with desire. Then, instead of her exhausted body seeking much needed slumber, her mind relived her ass braced against the handrail in the elevator while Galvin plunged into her again and again.

  “Girl, you got it bad.” Had been her response to that memory.

  When she dragged her tired body out of bed earlier, she hadn’t been in the mood to do anything but think about the luscious Galvin. Then another thought wormed its way in and changed the listless energy she’d awakened with to heart-pounding terror. Shit! We didn’t use protection. I’m covered on the birth control, but what about STDs? Damn, damn, damn my stupidity.

  A few minutes of deep breathing got Isabella’s heart rate back to normal, or as close as possible given the circumstances. If she and the luscious Galvin got it on again, should she insist on protection? The damage was probably done, and anyway, what were the chances there would be another hot, out of control encounter between them? A gynecological appointment in a few weeks would be a must. If there was a problem, it should show up by then.

  Deciding to push that issue out of her mind, Isabella had pulled on her sweats and tried to muster up enough energy for a trip to her favorite coffee house. She loved to sit there and read the paper over a steaming latté as she munched on the muffin of the day, but that held no appeal this morning.

  Frustration finally led her to the solution she turned to for all problems. Ice cream. After devouring almost a half-gallon of her frozen favorite, the only thing the cold sweetness gave her was an upset stomach.

  Isabella paced her apartment, stopping every few minutes to sigh. She now had more sympathy for a caged animal, faced with a numerous hours of nothing but staring at the outside, pacing back and forth between the barred walls. For her a long Saturday afternoon and evening loomed.

  Well, she’d just be damned if she were going to sit around the apartment like a love sick teenager waiting for the latest crush to call. “Okay, enough of this. He’s good looking and so are a lot of other guys. There’s nothing special about this one.” She tried to ignore the little voice in her head that whispered ‘Are you sure?’

  Good grief, she’d spent the morning talking to herself, out loud. The sound of her voice was better than silence. “It’s more than his drop dead body. His sense of humor is great, when he isn’t being a pain in the ass. And there’s no doubt he’s very bright because his challenges keep me on my toes. You also have to give him a plus mark for his love of music.”

  Music appreciation, the one thing she had in common with her grandmother. The old woman reined terror on her family, but classical music put a soft dreamy look in her eyes. Isabella knew anything that accomplished a softening of Nonna had power and she came to understand it, too.

  “Don’t forget the mythology thing. Any male who is into that couldn’t be all bad.” There I go again, talking to myself again. “I’ve got to get out of here.”

  Isabella changed out of her sweats and into jeans and tank top. Standing at the door, she commanded the telephone to ring before she made her exit. Instead, the few minutes of silence resonated through the apartment. “Idiot, you know he’s not going to call.” She slammed the door behind her and put the key in the lock when the shrill peal of the phone grabbed her attention.

  Relief flooded her and she fought the door to get it open and made a mad dash to answer.

  “Hello.” Damn, she didn’t want to sound so breathless when he called.

  “Bella, you didn’t call to say when we’re going shopping.” Her mother’s voice sounded perturbed like it always did when she missed one of their meetings. Part of Isabella’s regular Saturday routine included spending time with her mother. Today wouldn’t be a good day to spend an afternoon listening to Angela expound on the joys of marriage. Not what she needed given how tired she felt, both physically and emotionally.

  “Ma, I’m not able to have lunch with you today. I have to go down to the station and work on a couple of things.” Okay, so now she’d stooped to lying to her mother.

  “Bella, I count on these lunches. They’re the high-point of my week.”

  Heaven help her. Angela pulled out the guilt trip card she always used when things didn’t go her way, but today even that wasn’t going to work. “Sorry Ma, but with all the weather anomalies we’ve been having the past couple of weeks I’ve got to go in and see if I can spot a pattern here.” Well, that’s what she ought to do instead of mooning over the sexy body and the driving thrusts of Galvin Haldor.

  “Maybe you can come over for lunch tomorrow. We haven’t seen you since you were here for dinner a few weeks ago.”

  “Ma, I had lunch with you last Saturday.”

  Ignoring her daughter’s comment, she continued, “Your father misses you.” This was Angela-speak for ‘I’m losing control here’.

  Low blow, Ma. Using Pop to make me feel worse. “Sorry, no can do on lunch tomorrow either. I’ll take you and Pop out to dinner next week.” Isabella knew she needed the whole weekend to work out her feelings over what happened with Galvin

  She spent the afternoon and early evening dropping off and picking up dry cleaning, grocery shopping and doing laundry. Isabella settled down for an after dinner snack…a quart of ice cream. Maybe her favorite peanut butter and chocolate blend could accomplish what this morning’s offering hadn’t been able to.

  Tuning into Channel 12 news Isabella sat back ready to critique Galvin’s first solo appearance on the Saturday night weather.

  “Tonight we have a new member to our weather team,” the anchor turned to face Galvin. “Join me in welcoming, Galvin Haldor. What do we have in store for us weather wise tomorrow, Galvin? Hope it’s good since my family and I have plans.”

  She rolled the first spoonful of dessert around in her mouth, letting the fatty peanut butter and chocolaty cream coat her taste buds. Better than sex, she told herself and held onto that thought until the camera switched over to Galvin.

  Once again she found herself back in the elevator, pressed up against the body of the man whose face she now devoured. Like a strong breeze, the thought of critiquing his weather performance flew out the window. The only performance she could focus on definitely scored a ten plus.

  The image of their hastily gathering the discarded clothes, pulling them on over bodies damp with sweat before the elevator door opened came to mind. I’m sure people got an eye full when we stepped out. Our clothes probably would have looked better if we’d slept in them, especially mine. Her cheeks flamed at the recollection of her mussed hair, rumpled suit, and the wetness along the inside of her thighs.

  Wonder what the viewers would think in seeing the person they invited into their homes every week night walking off an elevator looking like she’d been rode hard and put away wet. And had I ever.

  No, that wouldn’t get her another award for best weather forecasting, but she could give one for the hottest sex she’d ever experienced. “Hmmm, wonder if sex in an elevator qualifies up there with the Mile High Club?” she asked the television screen.

  “Shit.” Isabella paused with the spoon that held the last glob of fat and calories she’d scraped from the bottom of the carton, mid-way to her mouth. She tried to determine if the need to throw-up came from polishing off her second quart of ice cream of the day, or from the memory of the security camera in the elevator.

  Loki turned the videotape over and studied the case. The security guard did have a good idea when he suggested creating a website. The fun he could generate with th
at angle. What Norman called money didn’t interest him, but the idea of creating mischief, now the entertainment he could have… No, he couldn’t let his thoughts go there. He could never win Sif’s trust again if he gave into the temptation to create havoc for his own pleasure with her son as one of the stars in a film mortals would label porn.

  He was happy with his prank of stopping the elevator. The idea to tamper with the lift popped into his head and he had reacted impulsively. There was nothing wrong with wanting to see what would happen to two volatile personalities trapped in close confines for a period of time. He did not anticipate the effect it brought about and the coupling that resulted from the pairs close proximity.

  His abilities did come in good stead here among these people in the way he could manipulate not only their lives, but also the equipment they relied on so heavily. Not turning off the power to the other elevators and the rest of the building made it appear an electrical problem occurred with the one car. This would keep the service people perplexed for days. Shutting down the phone in the elevator was another brilliant idea. But more brilliant had been leaving the current that ran the camera on.

  The best thing to do was destroy the video before temptation became too much and he did something he would regret. Maybe what he needed was to visit Sif. Yes, a quick trip to Asgard would keep his goal foremost in his mind. He didn’t want to spend the next thousand years getting the cold shoulder from the goddess he adored. As much as he hated to admit he needed anything from anyone, he needed her friendship.

  “You look much too serious for such a pretty lady.” Galvin observed his mother for several minutes before speaking.

  Sif turned and laughed. “My son, how I have missed your teasing.”

  “How go things in Asgard, Mother?” He kissed the offered cheek.

  The goddess frowned. “Galvin, you’re picking up the slang the mortals use. You know how that annoys me.”

  He laughed and reached out to smooth the wrinkle on his mother’s brow. “There are times Mother we could benefit from being less formal here in Asgard and especially in the halls of Valhalla. We can learn a few things from the mortals.”

  “My son,” Sif appeared to pause in thought. “Never mind. It is good to see you. Your grandfather feels the halls of his castle lose some of their glow when you’re not here, as does our home.”

  “Mother, we know there are more than enough deities here to keep the halls of Valhalla glowing. And you are the light in this house.” Galvin gave her a quick squeeze. “Is Loki ill? Surely he keeps things lively with his pranks.”

  She twisted her hands before responding. “It appears, Loki is occupied elsewhere.”

  How odd, he thought seeing how agitated his mother became at the mention of Loki’s name. He knew her dislike for Loki, but to demonstrate such anxiety at the sound of his name didn’t fit her usual reaction. “Oh, what’s he up to?”

  His mother glared at his slip back into what she considered mortal speak. “I would not know. It is not my job to keep track of the Lord of Pranks.”

  “Did someone call my name?”

  Galvin and Sif turned toward the speaker.

  “Loki. What are you doing here? I mean Loki…” She seemed at a loss for words.

  “Sif, my dear. I needed only to rest my eyes on the most beautiful of women, be they mortal or immortal.” Loki bowed deeply before the pale woman.

  “Master Trickster, have you been creating havoc in places other than Asgard?” Galvin wasn’t sure what transpired between his mother and the prankster. Obviously, something more than their usual conditioned truce was occurring in front of him and it frustrated him to not be able to figure out what. He knew for sure any pranks the imp cared to pull would not take place within Sif’s home.

  “Havoc? Me? Surely you are mistaken, Galvin.” A sly grin spread across Loki’s face.

  Galvin laughed. He enjoyed Loki and regretted the breach that caused his mother’s coolness toward the little immortal, but cutting a woman’s hair as a joke wasn’t a good idea. “The only mistake anyone would make with you milord would be to not think you’d been creating trouble.”

  Reminding himself to speak in the more formal manner his mother preferred Galvin decided now would be a good time to bring up the reason for his visit. “It is good that you are here, Loki. I have come to talk with my mother about an important matter and possibly you can help, too.”

  He noticed the look exchanged between Sif and Loki. When they turned to stare at him, their eyes glittered with interest.

  “Do not keep us in suspense, son of Thor.” Loki encouraged him to continue. “By all means share with us this matter.”

  “I seek your help in controlling Father’s tendency to meddle.” Galvin saw perplexed looks appear on their faces.

  “Meddle how Galvin?” Sif lifted and eyebrow and stared at her son.

  “Father has been playing games with the weather in the New York area. I know it because I am working in the weather room at the television station that he is creating the storms unusual for the region.” Galvin sighed when he saw the blank look on his mother’s face. “He amuses himself by my having to contradict Isabella on weather predictions.”

  “Why would your father do such a thing? Surely, he has better matters to attend to than create havoc for your situation. This is the type of thing Loki would do.” Sif turned to face the Lord of Mischievous.

  “Not me. I am completely innocent of this.” Loki held up his hands in defense of the accusation.

  “Mother, be realistic. Yes, this is the type of trick Loki would enjoy, but he does not have the power to change the weather.” Galvin smiled at the thumbs up Loki flashed him. “This is father’s doing. He is creating anomalies in the normal conditions of weather for this area.”

  Loki rubbed his chin and paced, while Sif wrung her hands. For a brief moment Galvin wished he could take back the accusation.

  The Jester stopped and spoke, “Are you sure these anomalies, as you call them, are not being brought about by what the mortals call global warming?”

  “If that were the case, Loki do you not think it would be affecting more than just the region where I am? No, I think Father is behind the situation. Thor is trying to prove he is in control whether I am here in Asgard or in the human world.”

  Galvin turned to face his mother. “So I ask again, Mother, will you help? Will you have Father cease with the games? If I approach him, it will turn into an argument.”

  His request generated an internal war in Sif, playing out in the expressions that danced across her face. She bit her lip and took several deep breaths. Galvin sensed her turmoil as she paced.

  At last she turned to face him. “I will keep a close eye on what your father is up to. If I learn he is doing this, then yes, I will confront him. We both know that with Thor you must have all of the facts or you lose the battle before it begins.” She smiled at her youngest son. “Now, tell me about what else has been happening with your entry into the world of the mortals.

  “I promise to tell you more when I return, Mother. Today I must hurry back as there are unfinished things to which I need to attend.” Galvin placed his hands on her shoulders and kissed each cheek. “Do not look so sad. I will come for a long visit shortly.”

  “Galvin, I will walk with you to the exit. We can discuss ideas on how to handle Thor and I will share them with your mother.” Loki said as he fell into step beside Galvin.

  Taken aback he nodded in agreement. Loki’s offer of assistance in going against Thor came as a surprise. He’d been devoted to the Thunder God since Thor freed him from the chains that secured the Lord Trickster to the boulders under the dripping poison of the snake.

  Once they were out of Sif’s view, Loki stopped and placed a hand on Galvin’s arm bringing him to a halt.

  What now Galvin wondered. “Why are we stopping, Loki? I really must go.”

  “Here.” Loki reached into his jacket and pulled out a package. “I think you may w
ant this.”

  Galvin frowned and took the box handed to him. “What is this?”

  “It is the film of your…shall we say elevator experience.” Loki smirked.

  “What? How did you get this?” Galvin’s eyes narrowed and his face flushed with anger. “What have you been up to Loki?”

  “I assure you Galvin, you should be grateful that I happened to be in the right place at the right moment. Otherwise, this video would have been sold to the highest bidder. A lot of people would pay big money to find a personality of Isabella’s prominence in such a compromising situation.” Loki met Galvin’s glare before he continued. “You seem to have forgotten, the mortals have security cameras everywhere.”

  Loki turned and took several steps and then stopped. “Say: Thank you, Loki,” he called over his shoulder.

  Dazed, Galvin responded to the departing back of the Lord of Chaos. “Thank you, Loki.”

  “What did the two of you decide is the best way to approach Thor?” Sif asked when Loki returned.

  “He still thinks the best way to handle Thor is through you.”

  “Very well.” Sif bowed her head in concurrence. “I shall see what I can do, but enough on that for now. Tell me what you have found out with your trip into the mortal world. What is this woman like that seems to have captivated my son’s interest so strongly?”

  Loki paused and mulled over how much to share with Sif. “She is very intelligent and has strong ties to her family as does your son to his. In addition she is beautiful and strong willed.” He smiled as he recalled some of the confrontations between Isabella and Galvin.

  “I see. She offers a challenge to my son then.” Sif drifted around the room picking up various objects and putting them back down. “He loves a challenge.” She frowned. “This is not good. Tell me about her family. What do you know of them?”